We all know that the pandemic has profoundly affected our lives. No matter the age group, COVID-19 has had several physical and psychological effects on every individual. During times like these, there are a few little things that we find joy in, and these little things are worth cherishing. 

Whatever the situation, we can always find something to be grateful for, something we can vouch for as a good remembrance. A journey through the expressions of gratitude is a journey well-experienced.

Sometimes in anticipation of a greater good, we forget about the things that we have. We often forget that the situation that we are in also has a lot to be beholden. When we give thanks for these everyday things, we make them noticeable again.

What are the benefits of practicing gratitude in your daily routine?

The blessings of gratitude are qualitative. It fosters a sense of care and appreciation within an individual for themselves and other people.  

According to Robert A. Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California Davis, gratitude “blocks toxic emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret and depression, which can destroy our happiness. It’s impossible to feel envious and grateful at the same time.”

Some ways in which the art of gratitude benefits us are:

  • Strengthens relationships and bonds with oneself and with others
  • Increases happiness and positive thoughts
  • Heightens effectiveness 
  • Improves prosocial behaviors
  • Enhances Sleep quality
  • Control emotional regulation
  • Reduce stress or burnout
  • Mounts Resilience, etc.
  • It has a severe effect on wellness and well-being
  • Helps inculcate mindfulness

Gratitude is a feeling that we need to cultivate in our everyday lives. It is a feeling that must come from within. 

Since you have read so much about gratitude today, care to list down at least 5 things that you are grateful for today?

You can call at 14425 and let us know how you felt after completing the abovementioned exercise.

Want to know more about how to inculcate gratitude in our daily lives? Feel free to contact our experts at Umang Kishor Helpline. They are available for your help from Monday to Saturday between 08:00 A.M. – 08:00 P.M. 

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